- /bin/bash = valid file location
- 6.13.8. = stable kernel
- $ = normal user
- Relative path = ../nexus6
- Command line is case insensitive
- File permissions hoeven niet assigned before the apply
- Alter file permissions = chmod
- Change default permissions = umask
- File permissions can be changed in: /etc/profile + $ Home/.bashrc + de CLI
- Rm = delete
- Cp = copy
- Fl*ke = * = alles
- % = job ID
- Sigint = Ctrl C = stoppen
- Ctrl Z = pauZeren
- Signhup = logout
- Sigkill cannot be caught
- PS = snapshot alle processen die draaien
- Top = welke zijn actief
- Free = hoeveel RAM en SWAP
- 0 = nice value normal users
- -5 = root
- -20 = highest
- Renice = change a running process nice value –p =changing priority
- Daemons = high priority
- Nl script.pl > dicuss.txt = add numbers + sent
- [1-49] = 1, 2, 3, 4, 9
- * = the previous item any numbers of time
- + = the previous item one or more
- Append = >>
- | = stout –stdin
- $ command 2 > /dev/null = any data sent to /dev/null 2 = stderror
- Vi = 2 modes
- Tee = pakt output en stuurt dat naar 2 verschillende plekken
- PS1 = command prompt
- Script starts with #!
- For or while loop = do and done
- If requires a test, 0 or 1
- Read allows user input in a bash script
- Var = value = proper way to set a variable
- # = comment in a script
- Alias = simple command substitution
- User specific = ~/.bash_profile
- Global settings = /etc/profile
- Variable = local and environment
- BIOS = first step àhardware (clocktime)/separated form OS/what devices and in what order
- BIOS reads the bootloader from the MBR (stage 1) , is 2e step
- Stage 2 bootloader (LILO—must be informed after changes and GRUB)= load the kernel
- Kernel = initializes hardware/loads initrd/create root device/start init
- Init = starts all other processes that allow uses of the system à getty: allows users to login
- DMESG = bootlog /var/log/messages
- Runlevel 0 = shutdown
- Runlevel 6 = reboot
- 2=multiuser 3=network 4 userdefined 5=xmodus
- Setting default runlevels = /etc/inittab
- Telinit = change runlevel
- /etc/init = which programs starts for the various runlevels
- /etc/init.d = scripts for starting and stopping daemons
- Installing Grub; grub-install /dev/had grub-mkconfig
- /bin/bash = editing startmenu
- Deleted files are recoverable until inodes are overwritten
- Hardlinks can only be used on files
- Softlink + directories and across filesystems
- -rwxrwxrwx = hardlink d=directory L=softlink
- Softlink remove = remove link file
- Hardlink remove = delete the link
- Fstab user = add user to mount system
- Quota = how much disk?
- Quotas are applicable to filesystems à require kernel under each file
- Quotacheck + quotaon added to appropriate runlevels
- Alter quotas = /etc/fstab
- Fsck 1e step be root and 2e step is umount
- Du = how much disk filled
- Df = free?
- Change configuration = tune
- Dump = backup
- PATA devices = hd*
- SATA = dba/dbb
- Partition = dba1
- Fdisk provide a frontend for all the commands à making partition
- Ext2 / ext3 = journaling
- Insmod + modprobe = load a module
- RAID can be treated as a partition for mounting à storage data on multiple disks into a LVM, prevent data loss
- RAID created = mdadm
- Lspci = see the hardware
- /etc/fstab = partition listed
- SWAP = 2x RAM, when system is out of Ram
- Bootloader is located in Bootable
- Logical volumes = analogue to partition
- Partitions are stored in the MBR, max 4
- Boot (static compiled) + Home can have its own partition
- Superblocks: metadata
/etc kernels, systemfiles, bootfiles
/dev devices files
/etc configuration files
/lib libraries
/mnt temporay mount
/opt optional applications suites and environments
/proc virtual file system
/root home of root
/tmp temporary file
/home home of the user
/usr usr/home /man helpfiles man format
/info helpfiles info format
/include header files to build programs
/lib applic libraries
/bin application + non-essesentail system binaries
/sbin “ “
- Apt = apt-get install package
- Repositories are in /etc/apt/sources.list
- Rpm = rpm –i package
- Yum = yum install package
- List of dependincies = ldd
- Make = compile code
- Emacspeak = for read difficulties
- Sticky keys for toggling
- Colorblind + high contrast
- A display manager provide a way to begin X automatically to provide GUI logins
- Window manager provides tools to manipulate windows
- Display manager = xorg.conf file
- Etc/inittab for starting display manager
- Startx script for starting CLI
- Add fonts: Package manager/obtain font files/add font server
- Gnu font is not a valid font system
- Unicode for various differend languages à moving data from one encoding to another
- ASCII + UTF -8 for Unicode
- Iconv = another type of conversion
- LANG LC_* LC_ALL = whicj language
- Locale is set by environmental variables; local –a = what locals are available
- /etc/localtime
- Tzselect = change timezone
- Tzconfig = change settings
- Hardware time = bios
- Systemtime = date
- NTPD = set at server time
- Sntp = keep a system’s time automated and very precize
- New user = adduser
- At = command in the future at –f = file
- Atq = managing at commands atrm = cancel commands
- CRON = program that performs tasks at regular intervals, bv backups
- Minute hour day month dayoftheweek
- Date = system clock
- NTP = clocks synchronized
- allow + at.deny = neither
- Usermod = alter various aspects
- Chage = change password every so often
- /etc/shadow
- Username;password;user id;group id;comments about user;userhome
- Disable account = lock an account
- /var/log = logfiles stored
- Config logging system = editing syslog.conf
- Logger = generate log entries manually
- Logrotation = older messages are archieved
- SMTP = sent mail push
- Pop 3 and IMAP = pulling
- MTA = mail transfer agent, way to acces and sent mail
- /var/spool = local email stored
- ~/.forward with forwarding adres to forward mail
- 631 = portmail CUPS (common unix printing system)
- Printer definitions + /etc/cups/ppd
- Lprm = remove printjobs
- Queue = mail waiting
- Lpq = display the queue
- Lpc = rearranging or suspending jobs
- Ports daemons altered = /etc/services
- Ifconfig = list and alter NIC’s
- DHCP = allow network setup configuration automatically à or manually
- Port 80 = http 443= https 22=sshd
- conf = add rules firewall
- Iface eth0 inet static = first line in /etc/network/interface file
- Ports = allow data to be sent to programs on a machine
- Ping = illicit a respons from another system on a network
- Traceroute = find bottleneck, show each machine a packet passes through
- Dig = more ip information
- DNS /etc/resolv.conf àconf
- Host + nslookup = find ip adres
- Routers = traffic form NIC to another à iptables
- NAT = name adres translation = setup each nic-enable ip forwarding-setup rules
- Iptables –t NAT –a prerouting –p tcp ppp0 –dport 80 –j DNAT –to
- Firewalls = drops packets instead of forwarding them
- Iptables –A input –I eth0 –p all –s –j DROP
- Troubleshooting: ping (localhost/LAN/wider) / hardware / DHCP
- Tunnelling = across SSH
- Gpg encrypting = gpg –encrypt
- Find open ports = netstat + lsof + nmap
- Superserver + added layer between netword connections = programs
- TCP wrapper = allow or deny connections based on client information
- SUID = permission to run as different user then the one who started the process
- Chage = change password periodically
- Edit /etc/security/limits.conf
- Wheel = rootgroup
- Sudoers = rootfile
- Inititab = remove unwanted servers
- PAM = pluggable authentication modules
- Forkbomb = restricted in the number of processes-killall
- Encryption = public and private key
- com/blog/entry2415.html
- conf = change settings
- Programming languages apache = required apache modules
- “C” associated with kernel
- Python = whitespace
- Update = to alter data
- Insert = create new data
- Delete = remove data
- Select = return data
- SQL = structure query language, communicatie with relational databases
- LAMP = requires server (as a daemon) – finding a way to get data in and out of a database – using CLI or GUI
- Start mysql server – set it appropriate runlevel – create user
- INSERT = add rows
- UPDATE = edit data
- DELETE = remove
- SELECT = output values
- * display all colums
- WHERE = defines the rows
- Languages: Perl – Python – C (gcc = gnu C compiler) – C++ – PHP